Stravencon: tweede Internationale Forum Generische Medicijnen Shanghai


De Chinese farmaceutische sector versnelt zijn expansie naar internationale markten, niet alleen op zijn traditionele gebied: de productie van ruwe materialen, maar met name in afgewerkte producten zoals tabletten, capsules en injecties.

Dit marktdomein voor niet-gepatenteerde (of generische) medicijnen werd traditioneel gedomineerd door Indiase bedrijven. Dit is de aanleiding voor het Chinese Centrum voor Farmaceutische Internationale Uitwisseling van de Chinese Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit tot organisatie van zijn tweede Internationale Forum over Generische Medicijnen in Shanghai.

Het evenement vindt vandaag en morgen plaats met ondersteuning van o.a. de Amerikaanse FDA, de Europese Commissie en de WHO. Het forum wordt mede gesponsord door het in London gevestigde farmaceutische bedrijf Stravencon Ltd., dat Chinese bedrijven een platform biedt voor toegang tot de Europese markt.
Engelstalig bericht:

Stravencon: Chinese State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) Hosts Major Meeting for Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry on Ways to Access Regulated Markets of Europe and North America.


The Chinese pharmaceutical industry is accelerating its expansion into major global markets, not only in its traditional area of strength, the manufacture of pharmaceutical raw materials (APIs), but particularly in finished formulations such as tablets, capsules and injections. These are areas of the market for off patent (or generic) medicines, which have traditionally been dominated by Indian companies. For that reason, the China Centre for Pharmaceutical International Exchange (CCPIE) of the Chinese State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA), is holding its second International Forum on Generic Drugs in Shanghai today and tomorrow.

Supporting CCPIE’s initiative are the US Food and Drug Administration (US-FDA), the European Commission, the British Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) , Health Canada and the World Health Organization (WHO). Assisting CCPIE and co-sponsoring the Forum is London-based pharmaceutical company, Stravencon Ltd., which provides Chinese companies with a platform to access the European market.

This year’s Forum is host to about 300 attendees, including the key management of major Chinese pharmaceutical companies and senior officials of the SFDA. Among the featured speakers are Justina Molzon, head of international relations, and Dr. Keith Webber of the generics division of the US-FDA; Patrick Deboyser of the Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection in Brussels; Gerald Heddell, head of Enforcement and Inspections at MHRA; Andrew Adam of Health Canada; and Tony Gould of the WHO. Also participating are Chinese and international experts on manufacturing quality and intellectual property. Mr. Brian Tempest, the former CEO of the Indian generics manufacturer, Ranbaxy, will also be speaking about the firm’s experiences in globalizing its operations.

According to one of the speakers, Stravencon’s CEO, Douglas B. Andrews: “This Forum will provide the senior management of Chinese companies with the necessary information to emulate in pharmaceuticals what Chinese firms have already accomplished in many other industrial fields.”


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