Gebruik e-Zassi software stijgt door innovatie medische apparatuur


Het aantal gebruikers van blijft stijgen. Steeds meer producenten van medische apparatuur maken kennis met de praktische voordelen van de manier waarop het gepatenteerde softwareplatform de uitdagingen van technologieoverdracht aanpakt.

Volgens CEO Peter von Dyck van e-Zassi neemt het gebruik van de producten en diensten van het bedrijf toe omdat de branche er beter mee kan inspelen op verwarrende hervormingen in de gezondheidszorg, de groeiende kapitalisatiekloof en problemen met intellectuele eigendomsrechten en samenwerking in de sector.
Engelstalig bericht:

Adoption of e-Zassi Software Climbs as Medical Device Industry Seeks New Methods to Enhance Business Development Efforts

Bayh – Dole Act and Upcoming Stanford vs. Roche Decision Validate Need for Secure Technology Transfer Collaborative Tools

The subscriber base continues to expand as the medical device industry recognizes the actionable benefits of how the patent pending software platform is addressing the challenges of technology transfer. Peter von Dyck, CEO of e-Zassi, attributes the growth in adoption of the company’s products and services to its ability to empower the industry as it contends with the confusion regarding healthcare reforms, the growing capitalization gap and the many issues concerning tech transfer intellectual property rights and industry collaboration. e-Zassi software:

  • Allows organizations to harvest more new technologies from their researchers, and reduces the chance for intellectual property leakage
  • Increases their ability to rapidly triage larger numbers of innovations and make better decisions about which technologies currently have the greatest commercial appeal
  • Expands the reach of marketing for subscribers who are seeking to engage in licensing agreements for new medical device technologies
  • Empowers individuals to collaborate, search and be matched with synergistic industry partners

Discussing the analytic capabilities of the software, Dr. Joseph Fortin, an inventor of several medical devices said, “e-Zassi is an elegant and comprehensive software system which provides comprehensive and detailed information for professionals in all aspects of the medical product development and design industry. From a practical standpoint, the software tells you where your device stands in the FDA process and what you need to do to move it further along that chain of events. It’s a very robust and elegant software system. If you even just contemplate what the company attempted — it’s mind-boggling.”

Another perspective regarding online tools for professional collaboration was included in a recent issue of ODT Orthopedic Design & Technology written by Tricia Rodewald. In an article on the benefits of strategic alliances, she says, “The beauty of social networking is that it is fast and cost-effective. Tools such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and e-Zassi, among others, are extremely effective in helping attract, communicate and promote potential alliance partnerships.”

Over the past year many of the world’s leading universities and research organizations began using the e-Zassi platform to triage their med-technologies, find partners, generate licensing fees and supercharge their technology marketing efforts. e-Zassi is also proud to be an exhibitor at the 2011 Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) Annual Meeting to be held February 27th – March 2nd at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas; e-Zassi will be showcasing their software platform at Booth #502.

About is a provider of web-based Business Process Improvement (BPI) software that enhances business development and technology transfer of medical devices. It is simple to use, more cost effective than traditional methods and protects all parties from confidentiality risks delivering immediate competitive advantages. For additional information call 866.874.6328 or visit

Redactie Medicalfacts / Alida Budding - Hennink

Samen met mijn dochter Janine Budding verzorg ik dagelijks het online medisch nieuws voor zorgverleners, zodat zorgverleners elke dag weer op de hoogte zijn van het nieuws wat voor hen relevant is. De rol en beleving van patiënt & Healthy Ageing, zijn voor mij speerpunten om extra aandacht aan te besteden.

Ik heb jarenlang ervaring in diverse functies in thuiszorg.

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