Patientendossiers uit auto gestolen (Amerika)


Vorig jaar was er de nodige ophef over digitale beveiliging van patientendossiers (check bijvoorbeeld het artikel ‘Beveiligen is risicomanagement‘). Dankzij de AIVD weten we echter ook dat de beveiliging soms verder gaat dan een systeem. In Oregon en Washington kunnen patiënten nu meepraten over gesloten documenten op diskettes: "Medical privacy advocates expressed horror over Providence Health System’s revelation Wednesday that a car thief had walked away with the medical records of 365,000 patients across Oregon and Washington.

The thief who smashed the window of a Plymouth Voyager parked outside a Milwaukie home last month seized a trove of records containing names, addresses, Social Security numbers and intimate health information from patients receiving home services from Providence. Records of Providence hospital or clinic patients were not stolen.

The records, some dating to 1987, were stored on computer disks and digital tape that a Providence employee took home and left in his car overnight." (Bron:

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